
Welcome to

Designing Structure and Building Systems

Well done - you are now embarking upon your journey of mastering the practical skills for comprehensively systematising a business.

Ideally you will have completed the module Understanding Systems Development and Process Improvement - in which you would have been provided the concepts and principles of the benefits of systems and continuous improvement. With this firm foundation of understanding, you are now well primed to immerse yourself deeper - into the 'how to' of designing the systems structure and then building the systems themselves.

This module is the second module of a 3 Module Program.

I love analogies, and you will be introduced to one in the first four sessions of this module.

Utilising an analogy for your learning on the topic of systems thinking - you could consider yourself climbing a ladder ... and the ladder is analogous to the level of understanding and mastery that you are developing through this program.

This analogy is captured by the photo in the 'poster' below.

I love the quote on the poster - because this speaks to the application of the knowledge. That is, using the knowledge to 'build' something; something that is tangible and that others can use and benefit from.

The above poster is available for downloading - press the link below:

I love seeing participants in programs I run, have an epiphany - an 'ah huh' moment - because they now have had a breakthrough in their thinking and can approach a challenge or opportunity with greater understanding and clarity.

Although I love seeing participants have epiphany's, what I love even more, is hearing from them the practical applications of what they have learned - where they have used the lessons/insights to build something tangible and useful within their business.

This module is about providing you with the insights, methodologies and tools to design and build tangible, useful business systems.

Oh yeh, and what is most magical about the quote is that it points towards what it does for you personally when you design and build something that has purpose ... it changes/builds you in return. You become a more competent, confident, stronger person from the experience.

The poster can be downloaded and pinned up in your office - or somewhere else in the business to stimulate positive mindsets. Please use the posters shown throughout the course to support you to be the 'Change Agent'.

I look forward to hearing of your success stories.

Glenn Taylor

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