What is a Business System?

The above poster can be downloaded (press the link below) and pinned up in your office - or somewhere else in the business to stimulate positive and constructive mindsets.

Please use the posters shown throughout the course to support you to be the 'Change Agent'.

What is a business system?

How would you describe what a business system is to a colleague?

Engine Room considers business systems have key components - and without these components working well together, we won't have an effective business system.

1a. BS Components.pdf

The above poster is available for downloading - press the link below:

Action: Reflect on the above material, and ponder the following questions:

  1. Which is the most effective system in your business?
  2. What area in your business is in most need of systemisation?
  3. What process within your area of responsibility could be systematised?

Complete and Continue